Monday, December 7, 2009

Why do people use steroids?

There are many reasons why people today use steroids, this is also known as performance enhancing drugs. Most people take steroids because they believe it is a way of gaining muscle and strength. This drug is mostly used by guys that are making a career in sports or a profession that includes muscle and strength. Steroids are commonly seen used by bodybuilders, these guys are using steroids to look bigger and try to win for fame and wealth. Steroids are also used by famous athletes and celebrities that include Sammy Sosa, Mark McGuire, and also Arnold Schwarzenegger. This drug seems to be good for you but, there are many side affects to this. Some effects are more server than others, one effect it that is it gives you a shorter life span than you had before. It also causes high-blood pressure, heart disease, life threatening infections from the needle, and also there is many more. In conclusion, people use steroids to look bigger and also be more efficient in sports and other professions but it all comes at a cost.