Friday, March 5, 2010

What would happen if communism came to the United States?

I don't even know what I would do if communism came to the U.S, or should I say I don't know what I could do. Communism is when a leader in some way controls your belongings and you. For example, in the book Animal Farm it shows how the owner of the farm uses communism and he is controlling everything the animals have and do. This book is a good example of what I would do if the U.S.A. were a communist country because I would rebel just like the animals did. There are many examples in Animal Farm that are very similar to the present and past events that took place in modern day history. Most of the U.S.A. would rebel and take over if someone tried to turn our wonderful democratic system into a communist country. In overall the U.S. would act just like the animals in Animal Farm would do and that is to try to rebel against the communist "government".

Monday, February 22, 2010

What is power?

What is power? Power is the rate of doing work, producing, or expending energy as this is known as the definition. But I believe power is also known as controlling people, companies, and other own able items. Power can be earned by hard work or even family inherence, but it is mostly earned by wealth. Even though power can easily be gained or lost it is a valuable thing. Some ways to lose power is to make bad choices in any business, political position, or even simple choices you make at home. Because people can take all the power to their head, power can also be a bad thing in many ways. For example, Hitler took all of his power for bad instead of good. In conclusion, power is a ruling over a person or item and even if it is good or bad.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Teens Jobs

"That will be $1.50 please pull around to the first window", this is heard by working teens all around the world. Teens work for many reasons and some reasons are more important than others. Many teens get jobs so they can make money,learn about life, and most importantly, earn money to spend on whatever they want.

There are many other causes why teens are working jobs and these jobs vary from fast food restaurants to lawn care services. Some other reasons why teens might get a job is to earn money for the family if they are struggling to pay the rent. Another cause is having a family with a single parent that can't make payments, so the teens gets a job to help out. While some teens might have a job so they can learn about life, understand how it feels to be an adult with its positives and negatives, and also to help save up or make there college payments. Unfortunately, another reason why teens have to have a job is so they can help out themselves if they dropped out of school or if they have a child as a teen they can make money to support themselves.

The main reason why teens have jobs is to make there own money to spend it on whatever they want. When you are teen, you realize you can't always rely on your parents for money, so you decide to get a job and make your own money to do the things that you want to do. Teens have jobs so they can go to the movies or even buy new video games that you couldn't of had if you didn't have a job. By having a job you get many benefits from it; for example, on a college resume they will ask you for job experience and now you could put down where you worked. Every teen likes spending money and when it's not available from there parents they can always go to their job earnings and make themselves feel like an adult.

These jobs will definitely help teens in the future and they will also have more experience when they have to make their own decisions later on in life. Every teen should have a job at one point so they can earn there own money, have a learning experience, be on there own, and have a good answer in experience on their resume for college. So the next time you say "Will you have fries with that?", you will know that you are only one of the many teens that are saying the same thing.